Many ask if its possible to Build Muscle after 40. Yes it is. Today’s story is the perfect example. Brad was ready to take his body to the next level and about to turn 50 he did just that. Week by week he worked hard and made as good of choices as he could. 20 Weeks later he is bigger and leaner, feeling great.

Muscle Building After 40
Brad’s Stats
Starting Weight -169lbs, Stomach 35″
Added 12 lbs through bulking to 181lbs
Finishing Cut Weight- 171.8, Stomach 33″

Build Muscle After 40
Brads Story
For me, this was my second round with Micah and Hitch Fit. Almost two years ago, I worked with Micah on a 12 week program which was a get lean program.
It worked! Fast forward to this past spring and I reached back out to Micah. Since my last experience with Hitch Fit, I had continue to work out consistently, but the truth of the matter I was not pushing myself like I could and I was not as disciplined with my diet as I should have been. One of the reasons I am a big fan of Hitch Fit is the accountability that they provide. I needed that.
This time I asked Micah if we could work on a bulk and then go through a lean out process. I committed to a 20 week Get Big Get Ripped Program. Going into the program I was excited but also a little nervous I was not going to be able to achieve the necessary weight gain.
I have always been a hard gainer when it comes to size and weight. However, Micah said to trust him and the process and you will get there. After the first 12 weeks, I had gained about 12 pounds. Those 12 pounds were comprised of “good” weight. Really pretty cool to watch the changes take pace.

After that, we went into the lean out phase for 8 weeks and I dropped about 9 pounds. The results were really pretty good. I was proud of what I was able to achieve.
Through the process, clearly I was not perfect; coming up short at times on the diet or the intensity of the workout. I had to give myself grace and strive to get back on the horse and keep working hard.
For me, it was a personal goal and I was able to achieve it. However, one of the side benefits is it has been encouraging to have people throughout the process comment about the changes. Multiple times people have asked “what are you doing”, “I need to get on your program”, etc.
The first thing I would tell them is to show up and be consistent. From there, I tell them all about Hitch Fit and what Micah and Diana are doing and how they are doing it. I can’t say enough positive things about them. They will meet you where you are at and go from there to help you be a better version of yourself.

Back Workout After 40
I chose Hitch Fit the first time and came back to them the second time because they provide a plan, accountability, and encouragement. Having a solid plan from people who are proven and know what they are talking about gives you confidence that this will work if you stick with it. Certainly, there were times where I did not like a particular workout or wondered if I was going to get the results, but I pushed forward. At the end, I was pleased with the final product. Not too shabby for someone a couple of weeks away from turning 50!
Really appreciate you Micah!
Program Choice: Get Big Get Ripped