Bikini Body Transformation over 50


Bikini Body Transformation over 50Bikini Body Transformation over 50

Bikini Body Transformation Over 50: After going through traumatic events, Kathy needed a lifestyle change to combat anxiety and the side-effects of medication. She was not happy with her body and wanted to be in a healthier spot mentally, emotionally and spiritually too. She has completely transformed during her time with Hitch Fit! Not only has she had an amazing Bikini Body Transformation over 50, she is stronger in body, mind and spirit too!

Kathy’s Before and After Weight Loss Stats: 

Starting weight: 167

Ending weight: 124

Starting Body Fat: 46%

Ending Body Fat: 22%

Bikini body after 50Bikini body after 50


Fit over 50 Before and After

Fit over 50 female weight lossFit over 50 female weight loss

Bikini Body Transformation over 50Bikini Body Transformation over 50

Improve Mental Health Over 50Improve Mental Health Over 50

40 pound weight loss over age 5040 pound weight loss over age 50


Improved Mental and Physical Health After 50

Kathy’s Story: My health journey started in 2018 after I had gained an excessive amount of weight from taking anti-anxiety medication, which ended up making me feel flat, depressed, and awful.  I knew I needed a change and wanted to get off the medication and start finding natural remedies to relieve my anxiety, stress, anger, and depression.  A series of stressful or traumatic events occurred, which led to regular panic attacks before work every morning.   I was coping and barely getting by.  Before that point in my life, I had always been active, walking several miles a day or working out at a gym through group classes. 

Initially, the medication relieved the anxiety feelings but soon created additional issues.  I was lethargic and numb.  I recognized I needed a change as my relationships were suffering.   Once off the medication, clarity set it.  I had been stalking Micah & Diana on social media or receiving their regular emails for years.  In December 2018, they had a black Friday special; I purchased a plan but never used it.  I wanted to be fit & healthy but ultimately was not ready.    

 I started slowly exercising more regularly, walking daily on the treadmill.  I broke my left foot from the excessive weight & pounding on the treadmill in 2019. After my foot healed, I slowly progressed and lost 20 lbs. However, I could not lose the rest because I needed help with the nutrition piece, consistent cardio, and a weight training program. 

 Until meeting Micah & Diana at the SoulFIT Adventure Retreat in September 2023, I had been stuck in many ways; my commitment to exercise and nutrition, my weight higher than I wanted, my faith wasn’t as strong as it should be,  my belief in myself to accomplish better health was low.  I had worked with a personal trainer and attended a cross-fit boot camp several times a week for a couple of years.  Over that time, I gained strength and endurance while learning to lift heavier.   My weight & body fat percentage were not changing much, if at all.  The nutrition piece, cardio & consistent workouts were missing.  I entered my ‘macros’ into my fitness pal but needed a more detailed nutrition plan.  Since I followed Micah & Diana for years on social media, I read transformation stories daily and was always inspired.  I was still doubting that it could be me. I was in awe of these people.  I would listen to Micah’s short videos or read his posts, send them to my kids, and know he was right.  I still made excuses of I’m too old, I don’t have time, my body won’t look like that, my stomach won’t shrink, my hips are big, etc.  I was living in a defeated mindset.  The Bootcamp I was going to was wearing on my body, and I spent the entire year 2023 at the chiropractor.  Despite the great workouts, I was constantly in pain and exhausted mentally and physically by the time September 2023 arrived.  

 I signed my daughter Molly and I up for the SoulFIT adventure retreat in Asheville as a way for her and me to reconnect.  I had no idea what we were going to experience and took a huge leap of faith and went.. Going on that retreat was one of the best experiences and decisions for us and me.  Molly & I had a great time together.  We ended the weekend inspired to sign up for a transformation and as that was going so well, I signed up for the Hitch Fit Inner Circle program, a full year with even more support and accountability with Micah and Diana directly. The transformation experience has been empowering for me. I’ve become more mentally fit and learned to deal with stress more positively. I love going to the gym, but waking up early now is something I look forward to vs. dread.  The morning workout sets the tone for my day and offers a sense of peace and comfort. The sounds in the gym are also calming.  I am at the gym many days now, twice a day, because I love it.  I start the day positively and end it positively despite what happened.  I am learning to let go of problems that are not mine. I am learning to give up control of situations and lean into my faith more. 

lose weight over age 50lose weight over age 50

 My husband and I attended the SoulFIT Mexico retreat this past May.  The Mexico retreat was transformative and empowering.  I participated in a bikini photo shoot and transformation show on stage that I normally never would have done.   My confidence has grown, and I am saying yes to things I would normally say no to like rock climbing with my husband.  We also went skiing again this past winter which I had skipped a few seasons due to being out of shape.  I am also walking at a fashion show in Nashville in August. 

 I decided that I needed to be the best version of myself since I’m always preaching that to our kids. I have more work to do in all areas – mentally, physically, and spiritually but I could not have gotten this far without the support of Diana & Micah, and my husband.   My only regret is not starting Hitch Fit sooner.   I am reaping the benefits of health & fitness with a sense of accomplishment and strength. I am grateful for this journey and new friends I’ve met. I have lost 25 lbs., gained muscle, and lost many inches.  I plan to continue growing in mind, body, and faith.   I am grateful for this supportive community and opportunity! Sign up for HitchFit today!  You won’t regret it!! 

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Program Choice: Bikini Model

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