Getting up before 6am makes you healthier and happier


Getting up before 6am makes you healthier and happier



Early risers are often perceived as zealous problem solvers leading organizations, businesses and sometimes even nations!

While this may be true for some that being awake late gets a lot of work done; others may disagree including many of renowned scientists. Our bodies are designed to produce the ‘sleep- inducing’ hormone melatonin that’s responsible for putting us to sleep at night.

Sleeping in early helps us to rise early and getting up before 6am makes you healthier and happier and it can even boost your love life along with other several benefits!


  • Decreases Depression
  • Gives you your long lost ‘me time’
  • Makes you organized
  • Helps you achieve bigger scores
  • Shapes you into a better version of yourself

Acing the Productivity Game

“The early morning has gold in its mouth,” said Benjamin Franklin.

The kick start you need to get into the game can be easily taken by waking up early. 

Your body is tending to have the capacity to produce brilliant ideas then and you have exactly the right amount of ‘activation energy’ you need to cope up with your fast paced day and you require way less time to get things done from the usual.

Better decision making, having new ideas popping in after every couple of minutes, planning a better day are all some perks of waking up early.

End to many problems

Only if people start realizing how waking up early can be the cure of many problems. 

Getting up early instils you with positivity.

When you wake up early, you;

  • Indulge in doing activities that cheer you up
  • Give yourself the me time your mind deserves
  • Plan your day ahead of time so you don’t end up messing it
  • Do physical activity that we don’t get time for in our hustle of the day

Once a person starts giving what one’s mind and soul needs then there is a very decreased rate of being depressed. 

Early risers are likely to stay happy and stress free for all their lives.

Improves your love life

Waking up early proved to be beneficial in having a healthy love life.

Early risers are;

  • more likely to be married
  • lead happy and content lives
  • prove to be better partners, better parents, better children, in turn a better human being.

You’re more inclined to understand your partner If you’re healthy and happy from the inside, you tend to focus on your beloved’s problems when you’ve your own life sorted to a great extent.

Getting up before 6am makes you healthier and happier and it can even boost your love life just because of the primary factor of being positive, being a better version of one’s own self.


In our race to be ahead than one another, we’ve lost the essence of the actual meaning of life. The rapid change in our priorities have led to various dysfunctionalities in our surrounding, personality and within our own selves.

Waking up early is the first step towards a happy, healthy and better life.


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