Guy Cisternino’s Workout Routine & Diet Plan


Here’s a Sport Enthusiasts & IFBB Pro Guy Cisternino’s Workout Routine & Diet Plan

Those who are into bodybuilding and staying updated about IFBB Pros may know about Guy Cisternino, and it’s also possible many new ones may not know about it. But pay attention, as we’re going to discuss about this thick, round biceps and striated wheels Guy Cisternino’s workout routine, who he is, and what’s his diet plan.

Born in New Jersey, Guy Cisternino has been a sports enthusiast since he was young. Growing up, he took part in several activities like boxing and football. Later, he was inspired by his father for bodybuilding and fitness. Similarly, he wanted to be like his father, who was a boxer and a footballer with an impressive physique, which helped him push harder.

Initially, he was in love with football, but soon, he found himself regularly training in the gym and became more interested in bodybuilding. After many years of sacrifice and dedication towards bodybuilding, Guy Cisternino started competing. He became an IFBB Pro and a fitness icon within the fitness community, inspiring fans to go for a healthy lifestyle.

Guy Cisternino Workout RoutineGuy Cisternino’s Workout Routine & Diet Plan

Nonetheless, let’s get into Guy Cisternino’s workout routine and find out how he likes training himself.

Guy Cisternino’s Workout Routine

Guy Cisternino likes keeping his workout as simple as possible. Further, he gives more importance to strict form. He prefers high-volume workouts with shorter rest time between sets and a high number of repetitions.

Here below is one such Guy Cisternino’s workout routine. Though not the exact one that he follows nowadays but, it’ll give you an overall idea of his workout philosophy.

Day 1 – Legs

Exercise Name Sets Reps
Leg Extensions (Single Leg) 4 20
Leg Press 4 15
Hack Squats 4 12 – 15
BB Back Squats 4 10 – 15
Lunges W/ Smith Machine 3 15 / Leg
Stiff Leg DB Deadlift 4 15
Leg Curls (Lying) 4 15

Day 2 – Rest Day

Day 3 – Chest

Exercise Name Sets Reps
Incline DB Press 4 15
Smith Machine Bench Press 4 12 – 15
Incline DB Fly 4 15
Cable Crossover 4 15

Day 4 – Back

Exercise Name Sets Reps
Wide Grip Pull Ups 4 15
Wide Grip Lat Pulldowns 4 12 – 15
Reverse Grip Bent Over Rows 4 10 – 12
Close Grip Front Lat Pulldowns 4 12 – 15
Seated Cable Rowing 4 15
BB Deadlift 4 10 – 12

Day 5 – Arms

Exercise Name Sets Reps
Preacher Curls W/ Machine 4 15
Seated DB Curls 4 15
EZ Bar Curls 4 12 – 15
DB Hammer Curls 4 15
Triceps Pushdowns 4 15
Lying Triceps Press 4 15
Close Grip BB Bench Press 4 15
Rope Triceps Pushdowns 4 15
Triceps Kickbacks 3 12 – 15

Day 6 – Shoulders

Exercise Name Sets Reps
DB Side Lateral Raises 4 15
Overhead Press W/ Smith Machine 4 12 – 15
Front DB Raises 4 15
Upright BB Rowing 4 15
Reverse Machine Fly 4 12 – 15
Behind The Back Shrugs W/ Smith Machine 4 12 – 15

Sunday – Rest Day

Guy Cisternino’s Diet Plan

Guy prefers having a diet plan for staying lean throughout the year. In other words, he hardly follows a bulking diet. He believes that if people diet in the off-season to bulk, they’ll have a difficult time at the time of cutting down. Hence, he likes staying lean all year round.

Here below is one such diet plan that will help you understand what type of diet he follows:

Meal 1

  • Almonds – 2 Oz
  • Rice Cream – 1/3 Cup
  • Steak – 10 Oz

Meal 2

  • Chicken – 10 Oz
  • Black Beans – 1 Cup
  • White Rice – 1 Cup
  • Olive Oil – 1 Tbsp
  • String Beans – 1 Cup

Meal 3

  • Green Beans – 1 Cup
  • Yams – 10 Oz
  • Chicken – 10 Oz
  • Olive Oil – 1 Tbsp

Meal 4

  • Chicken – 10 Oz
  • White Rice – 1 Cup
  • Salad – Small Serving
  • Olive Oil – 1 Tbsp

Meal 5

  • Chicken – 10 Oz
  • Almonds – 2 Oz
  • Asparagus – 1 Cup
  • Rice Cream – 1/3 Cup

Meal 6

  • Asparagus – 1 Cup
  • Chicken – 10 Oz


  • ZMA
  • Vitamin D
  • Whey Protein
  • Protein Blend
  • BCAAs
  • Pre-Workout
  • Aminos

About Guy Cisternino

Born on March 21, 1982, Guy Cisternino became passionate about boxing and football due to his father. Initially, he started with Pop Warner football, where he even faced the obstacles of being one of the shortest players. However, in high school, he started lifting weights with some basic equipment that his father had purchased him. Further, he discovered his love and passion for strength training, and eventually, it became his passion, which led him to become serious about bodybuilding.

Further, when Cisternino started going to college, weight training became his prime interest. Initially, he was interested in football, but eventually, he switched to bodybuilding after learning about bodybuilding competitions. Though he faced setbacks, like the first show in which he was about to do his debut, that show got cancelled, and then later, he drove hours to compete and won first place in West Virginia’s novice class. Hence, this initial achievement fueled him to become more dedicated to bodybuilding, and he was further prompted to compete in many other local shows and win multiple titles.

In 2008, Cisternino’s hard work paid off, and he won the IFBB Pro card in the NPC Nationals middleweight division with a good score. Further, as a professional bodybuilder, he took a year to develop his body. After that, he returned to the stage with an excellent physique, which helped him get placed first in prominent bodybuilding shows like the 2014 IFBB Toronto Pro Supershow & the IFBB New York Pro of 2015.

Wrapping Up

Guy Cisternino’s workout routine is focused on high-volume and high-intensity training. He uses compound as well as isolation exercises with strict form and short rest time between sets. His approach has helped him consistently build muscles while staying lean.

Similarly, he also likes staying dedicated to his diet plan, as he likes staying lean throughout the year instead of bulking & cutting. With nutrient-dense meals and precise portions, Cisternino can stay competition-ready. He gives importance to a dedicated, balanced lifestyle, which inspires many upcoming athletes, established bodybuilders, and fans alike.

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