Sometimes You Have to Side-Step to Move Forward


Sometimes You Have to Side-Step to Move Forward

March 30, 2021 –

Sometimes you have to side-step in order to move forward.

Read that again.

Sometimes You Have to Side-Step to Move Forward

I was on the phone the other day with my brother from another mother, @sambrownstrength, & we were chatting about the last year, trusting the process with my training, & my client’s journeys as well.

He said, ya know, sometimes you have to side-step in order to move forward.


How often in life do we have a plan, but life throws a step off to the side that you have to walk on before you can continue forward.

It happens in so many areas of our every day but especially in a fitness journey.


Trust me, last year when I went from deadlifts to only bird dogs & bridges, I was frustrated. 

I can do more but my body didn’t need more, it needed different. It needed a side-step & a refocus so that I didn’t keep making myself feel worse.


I had to strengthen the small things on that side-step in order to move forward.

At the time, being so frustrated that I had to side step, but now knowing that I went through that to grow from not only for myself, but for my clients.


We all have different experiences yet many are the same.

My side step may look different than yours, but it’s there for the purpose of growing & learning if we let it.


Once you take on the side step, see what’s it’s there for. Often times the frustration takes over, but look through that feeling to see what the lesson may be.

A year later, I’m so glad I took that side-step. 


It led me to therapy which led me to building a team around me to help my journey forward. 

That side-step led me to a better relationship with myself.


It helped me take a step outside of myself & see the areas I needed to address with myself so I could show up for others even better.


Sometimes we feel that we need to do everything alone in order to move forward, but reaching out for help only led me in a stronger direction than where I could’ve been by myself.

Trust the side-step.


Always a shout out to my friends at adidas, who I’m so thankful to be an Ambassador for, for these beautiful spring looks that make getting outside THAT much easier!


Getting outside will do WONDERS for our mental state, especially during that time that I was going through last year, being outside was such an important part of my journey.

outfit details

Pictures by my girl Mikayla.

Category: Blog

Tags: Adidas, adidaswomen, beTRUEtoYOU, Clothing, review

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